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Keeping Safe // COVID-19 and Prevention

Stay Informed About COVID-19 and Prevention

COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that causes a highly contagious infection. People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of reported symptoms, ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness.

Please check the CDC for the most up-to-date list of symptoms.


  • Wash your hands often with soap and water; use hand sanitizer when you can’t wash.
  • Clean and disinfect items and surfaces you touch often.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with tissues; discard the tissues.
  • Avoid touching your face.
The best way to prevent infection is to avoid exposure to the virus. Check the CDC website for up-to-date advice and review the tips below.

That includes older adults, people living with disabilities, and those with chronic medical conditions like diabetes, and heart, lung or kidney disease.
Call your doctor right away if you’ve been around someone who may have COVID-19, and you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
If you’re caring for someone who doesn’t have COVID-19:
  • Stay home if possible.
  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when entering their house or room.
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer before and after touching someone or any mobility devices (canes, a walker) or other equipment.
  • Every day, use household cleaner to wipe the surfaces of frequently-used equipment or devices.
If you’re caring for someone who has COVID-19:
  • If their symptoms get worse, call their doctor.
  • Call 911 if you see emergency warning signs like the below. Mention they have COVID-19 (or symptoms of it).
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Pain or pressure in the chest that won’t go away.
  • Confusion; bluish lips or face; or unconsciousness.
  • If you’re in the same room, car or doctor’s office with someone who is sick, both of you should cover your nose, mouth and chin with a CDC-recommended cloth face cover. Cover your face even if they cannot, and wear gloves if you can.
  • Whenever possible, the person with COVID-19 should be alone and using a separate room and/or bathroom.
  • Clean surfaces often, like countertops, doorknobs, light switches, faucets and more.
