Jack is cute, but also a hazard.
If you carve a jack o’lantern this year for your front porch, consider replacing the fire-lit candle with a battery-operated one. Fire hazards are a real scare for this holiday. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 800 home structure fires per year that began with decorations. These fires can result in death and injury, not to mention the damages that will need to be filed with the insurance company.
If you choose to have open flames, keep them away from all other decorations. Be sure to not drape cloth or paper decorations over lights, as they might overheat and catch on fire.
Sometimes there are tricks and not just treats.
Unfortunately, sometimes mischief-makers get up to no good on Halloween.
Perhaps it is throwing eggs at houses or cars, or toilet-papering trees or homes, even pranks done in good spirit, can cause damages to your home.
If you experience vandalism and it results in damage to your home, car, or other property, take a moment to assess the damages (if you can do so safely). Consider what your deductible is and determine if the cost of repairing the damage is worth filing a claim. If you have a $500 deductible on your home insurance policy, and the damage can be fixed for $300, then filing a claim with your insurance company won’t be helpful.
Share the road with trick-or-treaters
Did you know that children are more than twice as likely to die in a car accident during Halloween than any other night of the year? With kids going door-to-door, there is a higher likelihood of someone going out into a road or jaywalking. As a driver, you should keep alert to the situations around you, and if you are out with kids, keep your attention on them at all times.
While your auto liability and/or comprehensive policy would help cover the medical expenses if you are involved in an accident as the driver, a child’s life is irreplaceable. So if you are out driving on Halloween, be extra careful and practice defensive driving. It could save a life!